Explaining genuine nesting box AF spanners in a video

Today I am explaining some details about the original early AF box spanners supplied by Jaguar between 1948 and 1961.

Too many people are trying and actually do sell reproduction tools as originals. You, as a buyer and collector, should be aware of who and what you are dealing with. In my video are two genuine sets of early box spanners. This is what they are and how they look. Compare what you have and you can tell if they are original or not. Get more detailed pics before you purchase.

In general, you can say, originals are never perfect after 70 or 60 years, the outer is usually more worn than the inner but they all have the same identification marks which are the lettering of the sizes and some grinding marks round the tommy bar holes.

Do not expect the originals being sold cheap, but also do not expect just because they are not cheap that they are originals.

An original set in nice condition will demand about 1.000 GBP. But you can tell they are rare and genuine.

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